Backdrops - store backdrops locally - all the serious themers

@ justmeme

Kudos !  Nice find.

So this only works in Gallery View then ?   

I hope there is a way to speed up the display of the sheets.

Shame the sheet cant be resized ( i tried a smaller resolution sheet, which made no difference to speed, mainly because the xml code in gallery view dosent resize the sheet… it just crops it.  but it is still drawing/processing a 1280x720 sheet)

Anyways early days, i wonder what other little things WD snuck into the FW.


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is there a xml scraper tool compatible with the Justmeme trick?

may be a development fot thumbgen is the best way :slight_smile:

JoeySmyth wrote:

Shame the sheet cant be resized ( i tried a smaller resolution sheet, which made no difference to speed, mainly because the xml code in gallery view dosent resize the sheet… it just crops it.  but it is still drawing/processing a 1280x720 sheet)


Joey, I don’t know if this is what you are looking for, but did you try changing the Photo Setting in setup.  This is how the backgrounds are controlled and you should be able to resize by setting the Photo Scaling to Keep as Original.

Although this is untested yet, but the other settings do affect how the background is displayed.   If you change the Slideshow Transition and the Slideshow Interval Time it will change both  the backgound animation when it transitions and how long the background will display before the next background is displayed, these have been tested.

Wow… Bigtime Kudos to justmeme…

Looks like i am coming out of semi retirement to play around with this new idea…

Firmware update time on my unopened wdtv hub it is then…no point in waiting till i get back to uk on my holiday to test on my regular Hub…

Hmm looks like i have some work ahead of me setting up my network to allow me to use a Hub…(i have been using my regular wdtv live for some time now)

This idea should mean as long as the delay can be minimised any theme should be able to call up the backdrop and use as the moviesheet…

Also looks like time to have a word with Thumbgen to allow local backdrop saving directly from his program.

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great find, may have to update my FW, big thumbs up

I have just tested this…

I must say that i’m very pleased with the result…

The backdrops/moviesheets load pretty fast <5sec.

Now, there’s no need to have dummy files etc…

great discovery justmeme!! kudos to you.

WD should have mentioned it in its released log…

or perhaps its just a bug ?  lol


@ Firetix

Mine change in 3 seconds

Settings > Photo Settings > Slideshow Interval Time (3 Seconds) > Slideshow Transition (Fade) > Slideshow Sequence (Repeat All)


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Yeah thx for the tip.

by the way it seems .png backdrops won’t load even if we renamed it to a .jpg