Audio malfunction

hi guys…

i need some advice,.

Last nite i bought my wdtv model WD00AVP.i try to connect with my Samsung HDTV but unfortunately the audio malfunction.Can somebody assist me on this?.

HDTV: Samsung


AV Connection: HDMI to TV


what exactly happens? Just no audio?

Check your  WD Live audio settings and try ‘stereo’, in case you have selected ‘digital’

(I also did this when I bought mine and had no audio…)

And I also have it connected to a Samsung HDTV connected via HDMI to the TV.

What is your file encoded with? Your model does not decode DTS audio, so if you used this codec when you encoded your video it would have no sound based on the description of your setup.

Good day…

Do me a favor…last nite i updated my wdtv from 1.01 to 1.03 firmware.i found  that the audio still not satisfy me.

i played my download file then i switch the sound to english 2 not english (digital)subtitle.After  a few second the sound lost again.

My question

  1. what’s the differences between wdtv gen1 with gen2.?.

2.After i updated the firmware.why my usb non-stop blinking?.

3.Am i choose the corect firmware for my wdtv?

Awaitng replies :frowning: