Audio goes mute on select video files

My WD Tv Live goes audio mute when a few video files are played. I use HDMI cable for hooking up to the TV.

One common thing that i found on all these files was that the audio bit rate was "32000Hz  96 kb/s tot , Joint Stereo ". I did try encoding them with high bit rate but the audio just refuses to come up ! I did try component output and this did play up the audio but there was too much noise. Can someone throw some light on this ? Has anyone had the same kind of problem ? Is there a solution to play these files with audio playing too ?

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Have you search the rest of the forum about this? I’d give it a try. Or, have you tried contacting WD’s Technical Support about this? I would consider giving them a call or sending them an email.

To Contact WD for Technical Support