App - ""WD My Cloud" or "WD2GO Cloud" - Difference? Which one to use?

After an unproductive setup session with a representative from WD, I’m still struggling to get everything set up for the Mac’s, PC’s, iPhones, and Android phone in the house. At the direction of the WD person yesterday, I added a user and thought she should have received an email inviting her to join but she didn’t. I was reading the instructions about downloading the WD2GO app for my phone but in the app store, there’s that app and the WD My Cloud app. Can anyone tell me the difference in what these do? Which do I want to use?

Also, we have backed up two Mac’s belonging to different people using Time Machine so both backups went into Time Machine folder. How do we arrange to make those so that each Mac owner can only access their own backup?


For accessing the MyCloud local to your home network, don’t use any WD software. Simply map the device into your computer’s file system. Works for windows and MacOS, and for iOS and android (if you use a suitable file manager app).