Anyway to get new Grid theme for 2.01.86

The “Grid UI” functionality is built in the Firmware (2.02.32) and is not available on any other firmwares.

It’s not possible to modify or force older firmwares to have the functionality.

The “trigger” to display the “Grid UI” is found in the meta.xml  eg. see below

Older firmware’s ignore this “trigger” as it is not coded into the firmware

?xml version=‘1.0’ encoding=‘UTF-8’?>
 <meta  version=“0.01” service=“wdtv” ptype=“villa” date=“2010/08/01”/>
 <theme id=“0002”>
 <title>PM4 WD</title>
 <screen_shot title=“home” thumbnail=“”></screen_shot> <screen_shot title=“browse”  thumbnail=“”></screen_shot> <author>JoeySymth</author>
 <description>A PM3 HD port to WDTV</description>
 <package_url> </package_url>

The above code is from my Grid UI Modification Theme “PM4 WD”