Annoying: My Cloud Disconnects in the middle of streaming

I recently bought WD LiveTV, it was a piece of [Deleted], I returned it and vowed to never buy a WD product. When My Cloud 4 TB was out, I decided I will try it and give WD a chance. It was working OK until yesterday disconnedted twice while streaming a  movie. Very annoying because after I off/on TV, the drive was visible but I had to restart the movie from the begining. Frustrating and inacceptable.

I’d like to know: why does the device disconnect from the internet? What to do to prevent this? I checked the firmware, all os OK. Can we trust WD products? Is MyCloud another WD piece of [Deleted] device? Should I return it?

Please anyone here and WD tech support: do you have a solutionfor this?

I am on Mac, Samsung Smart TV, Linksys router.

Go into the Twonky advanced settings and set “Restart on NIC changes to” to OFF  (unchecked.)

Save the configuration.  See if that helps.


“Twonky advanced settings”

where is that? I checked on Dashboard.

Surf to the IP address of your Cloud and add :9000 to the end of the URL.
