Alternative OS for MPW?

Any news in the MPW custon OS development?

I am thinking a way to update wl18XX drivers, just because are the root cause of most tof the problems of the device. I think that almost the FW of the wl18XX drive could be updated, but it would be better to update whole kernel and drivers.

Any one interested on joining forces to update this little beauties?


Here I am againg just to put here my solution for the MPW WIFI connection drops.

My device is preconfigured for GB wifi domain, so I had to modify the hostapd.conf file and set the country to ES (Spain in may case). No problem since I changed it, but I dont know why, the MPW updates from time to time (not always) this param, so I added a sed command to restore it in the init script of the hostapd service.

I have also this problem with the WIFI password. The info for the connection is stored in two files, wifinetwork-remembered.conf and wifinetwork-params.conf, both located in the /etc/nas/config folder. Again, from time to time, the pass is replaced with the SSID.

So, again, the solution was to include two sed commands en the multirole init script to restore the pass before wifi network connection.

With these changes, my MPW is booted and connected to WIFI in less than 2 minutes each time I power on it.

Hope it helps other users!