All blue lights flashing every time I connect

Every time I connect to the web interface from my browser the connection eventually is lost and all the blue lights start flashing. When the connection is lost I see this message:

" * Connection to the My Passport Wireless Pro was lost. Make sure your computer’s Wi-Fi is connected to the My Passport Wireless Pro and try again. (200006)

* put_plex_firmware_info_timeout"

None of the firmware “download” links on the support site are working I’m getting:

"A system error was encountered during your request. If you need to contact us, please make sure to report the error number below to us.

Error number: 28989442"

How do I update the firmware? This thing is full of bugs.

Hi phbcanada,

You should refer below link for this concern:

That article mainly explains that there are a lot of bugs in the

Luckily the device seems to have done a self-update and is now

behaving better.
