Aliquam Sodales Euismod

Curabitur vulputate nunc sit amet quam molestie aliquam. Sed ac leo consectetur, convallis diam quis, interdum massa. Proin ultrices ipsum semper mauris tempus gravida. Cras urna sapien, faucibus quis nisl sit amet, semper lacinia neque.

Not a bug. I always see the donut graph with amount of data in each group. To always see the donut graph, the Cloud Access in Settings must be On. My suggestion is to do a (non-destructive) 4 second system reset and the data will likely reappear. I also assume you have a copy of the complete user manual PDF.)

Do you want help, or do you want to argue? Look, if you reset the device as suggested your problem may be gone.

Sounds like you have an issue if the donut graph is not correctly showing the various capacities of the file types.

You just got this, and you likely ought to use the free support you are entitled to from WD, so call their support phone after the weekend.

You are the only one with this concern. People who have had improper graph display can get it fixed. I have even had improper display, and I got it fixed. Enjoy your new NAS.

I am a daily forum member, and it is just based upon my not seeing any posts such as yours. No doubt you are quite knowledgeable, yet you are also a new member here, so check the forums for similar issues. Check the DL forums as well; it is the series that preceded your Pro series.

There are a few posts going on about the FW security issues, This is the most commented-on post – it was started over a year ago and has been resurrected this past week:

I did not say you were not aware of the posts, just that the link I gave you is the most “popular” because of all the comments (and there is another thread with the same title that I saw your comment in.)

I already have figured out you want the “full story” and that link is where you will find it.:grinning:

Thank you for updating us with the outcome!