After 24H2 Update

After updating to 24H2 my laptops cannot connect to my WD MyCloud Home.

I can connect with my Android phone so my device is working, see message below.

This has been circulated for a few months on the Microsoft techcommunity, try #6 Disable the SMB client signing requirement.

Possible related Windows 11 24H2 Security Changes

Now we’re into the less recommended steps, as they will make your Windows device and your data much less safe. They will, however, let you access this unsafe NAS.

  1. Disable the SMB client signing requirement:

a. On the Start Menu search, type gpedit and start the Edit Group Policy app (i.e. Local Group Policy Editor). If you are using Home edition, skip to step 8.

b. In the console tree, select Computer Configuration > Windows Settings > Security Settings> Local Policies > Security Options.

c. Double-click Microsoft network client: Digitally sign communications (always).

d. Select Disabled > OK.

  1. Disable the guest fallback protection:

a. On the Start Menu search, type gpedit and start the Edit Group Policy app (i.e. Local Group Policy Editor). If you are using Home edition, skip to step e.

b. In the console tree, select Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates> Network > Lanman Workstation.

c. Double-click Enable insecure guest logons

d. Select Enabled > OK.

  1. If you’re running Windows 11 Home edition, the guest fallback option is still enabled by default, so you’re probably not reading this blog post. But if for some reason it is on, or you need to turn off SMB signing due to some third-party NAS, you will need to use PowerShell to configure your machine because there is no gpedit tool by default. To do this:

a. On the Start Menu search, type powershell then under the Windows PowerShell app, click Run as administrator. Accept the elevation prompt.

b. To disable SMB signing requirement, type:

Set-SmbClientConfiguration -RequireSecuritySignature $false

Thank you very much for the info, problem solved

From “NoPlex via WD Community” <>
Date 22/10/2024 19:42:11
Subject [WD Community] [My Cloud Home - Personal Cloud Storage/My Cloud Home] After 24H2 Update

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I’ve had this for a few days. Also had MyCloud EX2 Ultra from December 2017 and been very pleased with it. I can see MyCloud NAS on my Android phone and can get in and even used the phone to transfer files from MyCloud in case I lost that too. I can’t get in via Win11 laptop. Today, I tried with an old Win10 PC that needed lots of updates, did the updates, tried File Explorer to get at MyCloud, same problem of ‘Wrong information for Admin’ or something like that.
Then I tried getting into WD MyCloud website - my login details were unknown. Seems like there’s been a clear out of logins at WD. I set up a new login for same email address and, instantly, I can see my data on the NAS.
Wasted a day or two. Still have to try with the Win11 laptop

After upgrading to 24H2 and losing my links, I solved this problem by turning on SMB1 on the NAS. The default is to have only SMB2 and SMB3 activated.

Nobody should be turning on SMB1 in 2024 and 2025. There is a fairly simple fix and Microsoft specifically blogged about this more than 6 months ago. Please read step 8 of the reference for Win11 24H2 users of third party NAS:

  1. If you’re running Windows 11 Home edition, the guest fallback option is still enabled by default, so you’re probably not reading this blog post. But if for some reason it is on, or you need to turn off SMB signing due to some third-party NAS, you will need to use PowerShell to configure your machine because there is no gpedit tool by default. To do this:

a. On the Start Menu search, type powershell then under the Windows PowerShell app, click Run as administrator. Accept the elevation prompt.

b. To disable SMB signing requirement, type:

Set-SmbClientConfiguration -RequireSecuritySignature $false

d. Hit enter, then hit Y to accept.

c. To disable guest fallback, type:

Set-SmbClientConfiguration -EnableInsecureGuestLogons $true

e. Hit enter, then hit Y to accept.

Thank you for that insight, of which, I was unaware. In troubleshooting this problem, much of the advise centered around activating SMB, so this is confusing. I will try your adjustment and see if it works for my situation. I have seven workstations, most running Windows 11 Pro.

Everything seems to working properly with your configuration. Thank you.


Nothing showed up for me in Windows 11 pro 24H2 network until I disabled guest fallback.

c. To disable guest fallback, type:

Set-SmbClientConfiguration -EnableInsecureGuestLogons $true

e. Hit enter, then hit Y to accept.