Access to Public Folder With Windows 10 Pro 2004

Since upgrading to Win 10 Pro 2004 I have lost access to the Public Folder on MyCloud Home


The error messages are >


I have tried every solution provided on the WD support page

WD Support / anyone …. please advise how to resolve

thanks and regards


You could refer to the following link: Troubleshoot My Cloud Home Not Detected or Not Found on Windows or macOS

Thanks, Yes, that provides very similar info to the link i posted and all that has been checked, as it was previously , when on Win 1909, where everything worked perfectly.

It only stopped working after Win 10Pro 2004 update. I do not use, and never have used, a MS account login. I always use an offline account to log into windows.

Please confirm that WD have checked internally that access to the public drive is still possible with Win 10 Pro 2004 without any additional changes , or advise any additional steps that need to be made to resolve this issue.


Hello, anybody there from WD to answer my query ?

I have exactly the same problem.
I tried changing the network to private, enabling SMB 1.0, firmware update and rebooting but nothing worked.

Hi! I think the problem come from IP address of public folder; deconnect and connect it again.

This solution worked for me for this problem.

Everything was working fine in Windows 10 version 1909, but after upgrading to 2004, I was getting message about group policy preventing guest access.

In version 1909, the solution that was needed was to enable guest access in Group policies settings window.

BUT, in 2004, this is “broken” from the settings window and needs to be done through RegEdit (even if you had already done it in 1909:

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thanks @DrNicos. let’s me try after doing update.

I’ve finished to upgrade my OS to Windows 10 2004 and i’m always able to access public folder without any changes in my register.
Like I said in my last post, if you know IP address of your device, you can access it from any computer in your local network.

1h after my laptop update, my desktop is update now and also no problem. So, i’m sure that if you attach your drive using IP address, you will not have any problem. check and tell me back. Thanks.

Thanks lefab for looking at this, interesting.

It would be very helpful if you checked in your registry, in the entry i showed above, do you have =1 or =0?

this value doesn’t exist in my register @DrNicos
tell me how you try to access your public drive? May be, we could find the source of that problem.