Access Permissions - FTP


I am relatively new to MBL, and have started to allow users to FTP to my drive from remotely. Currently, I only turn on FTP access and forward the ports when I need to. I have several users assigned to my MBL, and I only intend on using one of them for FTP access.

However, I am considering turning this feature on permantely, but I need to make a change to my Public folder to only allow access from authorised users. I have found this post:

Where it talks about modifying the trustees.conf file to only allow admin users to access the Public folder, will this affect the way the WD2Go & WDPhotos apps work? 

We use these apps quite a bit, so I need to be sure that making the admin change will not affect these Apps?




Making these changes to your “public” folder in order to only allow access to authorized users will affect the way WD2Go and WDPhotos work. These changes could make it impossible for this apps to access your files.