Ability to play from .rar archives

Is there any way to play direct from .rar archives?

Or to install something like Llink ( http://www.lundman.net/wiki/index.php/Llink)

I have the WD TV Live gen 3 http://www.wdc.com/en/products/products.aspx?id=330

On my other mediaplayer it´s possible to install 3rd party software so that im able to play from rar archives.

(apple tv 2 is running XBMC that allows to play from rar, and my HDX 1000 have Llink installed)

Is there any way to implement something siumlar in the WDTV?

Best Regards


What’s the point?

… so Media Piratez and Torrent Kiddies don’t have to do any work to play their download.

I’m sure, WD will make this a priority then :wink:

Techflaws wrote:

I’m sure, WD will make this a priority then :wink:


You can’t install 3rd party applications in any of the WD TV models. (at least using the official firmware update)