4TB My Cloud disappeared- Fast blinking blue light! HELP

did you do the mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda3?

Nop… and since i’m on it, should I do this for sda1,4 and 7 as well?

:smile: I just did what you told me. (just on 3, pls let me know if It was recommended/necessary to run the same command on sda1, sda4, and sda7)

Anyway, just did it (for now) on sda3.
COULD run the rest of the steps
After reboot, I was able to enter the recovery mode (first time with a different IP & the real MAC ADDRESS) now… the spinning wheel, I read (by inspecting the element on chrome, that is actually a percentage…so, should it read a % or just spinning empty is ok?

sda7 and sda4 will need the mkfs.ext4 at some point. When you did the dd to those partitions. You basically made the partitions uninitialized.


I got to apply the firmware, and then a series of menus BUT(1) on the first menu it returned unknown error. I thought that was the end of it, however, I clicked OK and the process continued, it ask my for admin user & pass and more

  • The process finilzed and then… I got a drive whose status was CAUTION (no explanation)
  • No data,
    U P D A T E !!! BLUE STEADY LIGHT BUT (several BUTs)

I got to apply the firmware, and then a series of menus BUT(1) on the first menu it returned unknown error. I thought that was the end of it, however, I clicked OK and the process continued, it ask my for admin user & pass and more

  • The process finilzed and then… I got a drive whose status was CAUTION (no explanation)
  • No data,


Before creating anything, I went back the USB flashdrive boot, typed the following sequence

mkdir /mnt/sda
mkdir /mnt/sdb
mount /dev/sda2 /mnt/sda
mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/sdb
cd /mnt/sda

Sure enough, my data is still there.

So, is there any way to accessing it when I boot the normal way? Because if I am afraid the if create a RAID mode i will destroy my data…

BUT(3) - On HOME, Diagnosis says CAUTION

Nothing seems to be wrong (except for not seeing my data)

Please tell me there’s a way. I feel that I’m really close

One thing you can do is to go back to the USB boot drive.
mount /dev/sda3 /mnt
ls -a /mnt
umount /mnt
mount /dev/sda7 /mnt
ls -a /mnt
See if you see the same thing that I see on my device.

-bash-4.2# ls -a /usr/local/config
. hd_list.xml server.key
… hdd_white_list.xml shadow
.disk hosts smbpasswd
.raid iconv_table sms_conf.xml
.volume logs_save_volume snmpd.conf
CacheVolume lost+found ssh_host_dsa_key
Config.xml mail_event_conf.xml ssh_host_dsa_key.pub
alert.xml mt-daapd.conf ssh_host_rsa_key
certificate_https_all.pem mycl_id ssh_host_rsa_key.pub
config.xml new_privacy syslog.conf
config.xml-new onbrd.ini system.conf
crontab.orig orion.db tmp_wd_serial.txt
dhcp6c.conf p2psettings.xml tzmap.table
dhcp6c.conf.bond0 passwd udhcpd.conf
dhcp6c.conf.egiga0 passwd.webdav udhcpd.conf.def
dhcp6c.conf.egiga1 power_schedule_info.xml uid
dynamicconfig_config.ini record_burn_in_fw_time version.update
ftp_download.xml resolv.conf version_info
gid routeap.conf volume_encrypt.xml
gogoc.conf s3.conf wd2go_log
group server.ca-bundle wdlog.conf
hd_info.xml server.crt wdnas-rest-api.conf

-bash-4.2# ls -a /mnt/HD_a4
. … .@database@ .systemfile .wdphotos lost+found
-bash-4.2# df -h
Filesystem Size Used Available Use% Mounted on
%root% 54.2M 34.6M 16.9M 67% /
/dev/ram0 54.2M 34.6M 16.9M 67% /
mdev 251.2M 32.0K 251.2M 0% /dev
/dev/sda3 976.1M 195.9M 754.2M 21% /boot
/dev/sda7 976.1M 1.6M 948.5M 0% /usr/local/config
/dev/loop0 94.3M 94.3M 0 100% /usr/local/modules
tmpfs 1.0M 0 1.0M 0% /mnt
tmpfs 40.0M 6.8M 33.2M 17% /var/log
tmpfs 100.0M 4.9M 95.1M 5% /tmp
/dev/sda4 928.9M 2.3M 910.6M 0% /mnt/HD_a4
/dev/sda2 5.4T 387.5G 5.0T 7% /mnt/HD/HD_a2

Try to enable ssh on the device. Hopefully you can ssh into the device and run some commands.
PS Do not execute any command on /dev/sdax.

I could follow the first part, here¡s the result

/ # mount /dev/sda3 /mnt
/ # ls -a /mnt
. … boot lost+found
/ # umount /mnt
/ # mount /dev/sda7 /mnt
/ # ls -a /mnt
. hd_list.xml resolv.conf
… hdd_white_list.xml routeap.conf
.disk hosts s3.conf
.raid iconv_table shadow
.volume lost+found smbpasswd
alert.xml mail_event_conf.xml sms_conf.xml
certificate_https_all.pem mt-daapd.conf snmpd.conf
config.xml mycl_id syslog.conf
dhcp6c.conf mycloud.log tzmap.table
dhcp6c.conf.bond0 new_privacy udhcpd.conf
dhcp6c.conf.egiga0 onbrd.ini udhcpd.conf.def
dhcp6c.conf.egiga1 orion.db user.log
dynamicconfig_config.ini orion_cm.log wdlog.conf
ftp_download.xml p2psettings.xml wdmcserver.log
gid passwd wdnas-rest-api.conf
gogoc.conf passwd.webdav
group power_schedule_info.xml
/ #

Sorry I meant /dev/sda7 and /dev/sda4. /dev/sda7 looks close.

/ # mount /dev/sda4 /mnt
mount: mounting /dev/sda4 on /mnt failed: Invalid argument

Did you do an mkfs.ext4 on /dev/sda4? This is my last reply today it’s almost midnight.

I ll try it in a bit and post the result. Tx

/ # mount /dev/sda4 /mnt
/ # ls -a /mnt
. … lost+found
/ # umount /mnt
/ # mount /dev/sda7 /mnt
/ # ls -a /mnt
. hd_list.xml resolv.conf
… hdd_white_list.xml routeap.conf
.disk hosts s3.conf
.raid iconv_table shadow
.volume lost+found smbpasswd
alert.xml mail_event_conf.xml sms_conf.xml
certificate_https_all.pem mt-daapd.conf snmpd.conf
config.xml mycl_id syslog.conf
dhcp6c.conf mycloud.log tzmap.table
dhcp6c.conf.bond0 new_privacy udhcpd.conf
dhcp6c.conf.egiga0 onbrd.ini udhcpd.conf.def
dhcp6c.conf.egiga1 orion.db user.log
dynamicconfig_config.ini orion_cm.log wdlog.conf
ftp_download.xml p2psettings.xml wdmcserver.log
gid passwd wdnas-rest-api.conf
gogoc.conf passwd.webdav
group power_schedule_info.xml
/ # umount /mnt

Well, 7 kinda looks like yours, not 4

dear friend did you solve your issue
my Wd have same issue please help me

Please help, mine is stuck till the reboot -f
when is in telnet mode and in under semiconductor IP address, after enter the reboot my led light chg to fast blue blinking again. And over 1 day I wait for it to change to red/white.
And if I unplug, it go back to square one again.