This drive took quite a bit of coaxing to get working on my Win 8 setup. I had to do several software updates and a flash bios upgrade. Finally it shows up but as a 2 TB device not a 4TB. Any help on where to troubleshoot?
I think you need the RAID Manager and need to change it from RAID 0 to RAID 1.
Thanks but I did that. still showing up as 2TB. Frustrating as WD drives have always been hassle free. There are 2 HDD s in this unit and it seems only one is showing up.
NO RAID 0 adds the 2 drives together as one and RAID 1 is only the size of 1 drive. I think everything mirrors on second drive in RAID1. I don’t know much else about RAID. Did you reformat the drive after changing it to RAID 0?
I changed it FROM raid 0 to raid 1 (as I was advised buy someone). It was only then that the drive showed up at all. I reformated several times using two different disk utilities…the windows disk manager as well as a third party disk manager. Still only shows up a a 2TB drive. I don’t want a 2TB mirror drive, I want and need a 4TB drive hehe. Should I try going back to raid 0?
Yes you need RAID 0 for the 4 T