I have this WDBACW0030HBK coming my way any day and i know it comes loaded with software (SmartWare) but i want to just format the drive and use it only for storing of various media formats to use on the WD TV Live ( i know i will have to update firmware first on the TV Live) but as far as the drive goes is it a simple case of just bunging it onto a pc running win 7 U x64 and format it via disk management or does it have to be done outside of windows via some other software (acronis).
In a nutshel i just want a simple 3TB drive just to store media on it.
Try posting in the TV section you’ll get more help there.
Seriously, given my question is about the hard drive itself not so much TV Live i thought in here was best because i just want to use the drive for media, oh well i’ll try over there if i get yelled at i’ll send them to you.
If you want to use the drive as an external drive in the MyBook enclosure you MUST format it with the WD tools ( WD Quick formatter for Windows). You will be able to remove the first partition of the disk with the Smartwave software and end with a simple 3TB drive.
If you want to use the HD as an internal drive, you can open the enclosure and connect the HD to the PC, then format it.
But in all cases : the data on a MyBook is encryted by the USB-SATA bridge board, therefore you have to either format the drive while still in the enclosure to use it as an external drive, or (re)format it in a PC to use it as an internal drive.