My Passport Ultra, not visible, not connecting

I have a WD My Passport Ultra. It seems to lose contact with my computer, an HP laptop running Windows 7 (prescribed by the University I work with). Often, my Ultra sits there with its light on but the WD Backup software doesn’t see it and it doesn’t appear as a drive in My Computer. When the drive is OK, the light is not steady on but has a slow on-off effect.

My real problem is that I can find no way to make the computer see and connect with the Ultra. Sometimes, if I restart the computer, it connects, sometimes not but, as far as I’m concerned it should always be connected and the backup should be automatic (it’s set for a monthly backup).

Hello there,

I am facing the same issue with my 2tb WD Elements portable drive.

The light stays on steadily without blinking when I connect it to my PC and cannot access the drive.

Have you found a solution for the issue yet?

I managed to find this and, at the moment, it’s working:

My Passport Drive Not Recognized

1.Safely eject the drive from Windows

Please see Answer ID 15058: How to Safely Remove the USB device from Windows or macOS
2.Power OFF the computer
3.Disconnect the My Passport USB cable from the computer
4.Power ON the computer
5.Log into the computers desktop
6.Connect the My Passport USB cable directly to the computer. Do Not use a USB Hub

I am having the same issue with my WD My Passport Ultra. It was working fine day before yesterday, but when I connected it to my computer yesterday, my Mac would not recognize it. I know my USB ports are working because it recognizes my other devices. The light remains solid, and I can hear the soft spinning sound. It is still under warranty

I read it could be the cable, but I don’t believe that is the issue. I could be wrong.

Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you! It’s a relief to know the data is recoverable. I appreciate you responding to my inquiry.

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i have a WD MY PASSPORT ULTIRA 1TB HARD DRIVE.My laptop reconizes the hard drive but its not showing in my laptop i tried every thing but still no hard drive works fine in tv.i dont know whats wrong with the hard drive.