Can't access cloud anymore

Hello, last week I got a new internet provider so with it came a new box, new name, new cables etc etc etc
Now I want to open my cloud via my pc under network: WDCLOUD. I CAN’T OPEN IT. I’m really angry as I have problem and even more problems with this thing. Windows is saying now I need to fill in a network code or something and that’s an username and password but I DON’T KNOW WHAT. I have never put a password on my cloud for the fear of it one day not working anymore, I have no username nothing only my admin name. WHAT DO I DO?! I’ve rebooted this thing, pulled out the cables, put another one in and nothing is working!

Who is your new internet provider?

Have you tried a 40 second reset with the My Cloud?

Can you post a screen shot of the message dialog box/screen you mention in this sentence; “Windows is saying now I need to fill in a network code or something and that’s an username and password but I DON’T KNOW WHAT.

Generally if you change broadband providers and the My Cloud stops working properly on the local network, that typically means there is an issue with the new router/gateway, or the My Cloud has a static IP configured within the My Cloud Dashboard that is outside of the IP address subnet used by the new router/gateway.

I’ve found the solution. I called my provider and they gave me this username and password and it worked. No help needed anymore.

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So, nothing to do with the MyCloud, then…?

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Sounds like it was a login to his new router issue and not a mycloud issue at all…

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