2 tb my book not working -

Hi - I have a 2 tb my book essential that powers on but is not seen on either of my win 7 computers. I have a 1tb my book that works fine with same power and cable so I eliminated that as a potential problem.

I attempted seeing if it would show up using computer management but no luck so I took the hard drive out of the case and attached the sata drive directly to the computer, no hard drive could be seen (I know it would be encrypted but it would of been seen still no?) . It sounds like it has power.but the drive doesnt feel like it fully comes on . Like everyone else in the world, there is important data on this drive I need - any suggestions or steps I may of missed? Thanks in advance. FYI - I  switched to WD only after seagate was sold many many years ago and many drives later, this is my first issue.

Sorry to hear that you cannot access your files. Since you have already tried using another USB/power cable, the hard drive might have internal damage. If you need to recover your files, you can try to contact one of the data recovery companies that WD recommends, check the link below for more information. 

Data Recovery Partners
