Upgraded memory on DL2100

Hello again,

I have just added a 4GB memory stick to my DL2100…is there some place to go and verify that it is now 5GB total?


yea, the dashboard.

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Ok…thanks, I found it…it indicates 2GB installed…any ideas why? I ordered a 4GB stick…I guess I better pull it and verify that…

There is a WD FAQ telling you which memory card to buy. Did you refer to it?


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yes - this is what I purchased:

Kingston 4GB 240-Pin DDR3 SDRAM DDR3 1600 Desktop Memory Model KVR16N11S8/4

Exactly the same one I bought from Amazon. So, reseat your card better. The dashboard should show 5GB (the 1GB, plus the 4GB card.)

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I agree with Mike, Memory Card probably no seated right. I upgraded mine and see the 5GB without any problems.

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That’s exactly what is was - thanks guys :slight_smile: