Has anyone successfully installed OwnCloud on the WD DL2100? Help is appreciated!

Hello there,
I am wanting to install OwnCloud on my DL 2100. I know that it is possible but I’ve been having a hard time with the methods I’ve found on the internet so far. If there is anyone out there that could give me some instruction to accomplish this I would greatly appreciate it. I’m family with terminals and ssh but I haven’t been able to get any of the methods I’ve found online to work properly.

Again, any help would be appreciated!! Thanks!


I have not tried this, but lets see if another user can share some information or tips on this matter.

Hey there ArMak,
I have successfully got OwnCloud running beautifully on the DL2100. There are some minor lag issues but it generally works really well.

I used a Docker container to start an image with it. It was actually really easy to do. If you want I can try and figure out what I did and attempt to post instructions for it

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Any chance you can post instructions regardless? I’m interested in using OwnCloud. :slight_smile:

Absolutely. I actually recreated the process again and it works perfectly. When I get home I’ll post a guide.

This guide was created as requested by Myron.

Here is a short guide to install ownCloud on the DL2100. I cannot guarantee that it will work appropriately but on your machine but it works fantastic for me. No errors, nothing.

Also, if you run into issues during installation I can “try” to help but I cannot guarantee I’ll have a solution.

1.) On your browser, navigate to https://docs.docker.com/engine/installation/ and follow the “COMPLETE” instructions on how to install Docker Engine for your Linux distribution.

If you are running a NAS or other server that has Docker pre installed you may run into issues creating a new machine. Docker was preinstalled on my DL2100. Some firmwares such as the ones included on the Western Digital My Cloud DL2100 cause permission issues. There are workarounds but I suggest using the native Docker installation if it is available.

2.) Verify you have a working Docker Engine by following the steps here: Overview | Docker Documentation
Once you have verified the installation is working go to Docker. (For updated ownCloud Dockerfile links and information.

3.) Log into your SSH terminal with root privileges and type
docker pull owncloud
You should see the ownCloud image being pulled from the Docker Hub official repository.
4.) After the ownCloud image has finished unzipping type the following text to verify the image is available(you should see “ownCloud:latest” in the image list).
docker images

5.) After you have verified you have successfully installed the ownCloud:latest image run this code:
$ docker run -d -p 80:80 owncloud:8.1
You should see ownCloud going through the process of creating a container and running.

You may encounter an issue with port 80 if it is currently allocated to another program on your machine or designated for something else on your router. An easy way to fix this is to delete the container you just created and redo this process changing the port to something like 85:80 instead of 80:80.

You may also have issues accessing your ownCloud installation if you have not forwarded the port you designated if you are behind a router. Forward just the first port declaration (meaning “THISONE”:80) with whatever LAN IP the server is running from.

6.) If the installation was successful you should be able to go to your ownCloud installation by navigating to:
Change the LAN IP to match your own, with the port as the one you selected. If you have issues with the installation, post the error message or issue you are having and I will try and help you figure it out.

This is a very simple guide and I have not included every avenue or issues I encountered but like I said, I cannot guarantee I can help solve your issues…but there is a high likelihood that I can :wink: Just ask and I’ll do my best.

If this worked out for you then you should have a fully functional ownCloud server that is actually quite fast. Even my remote upload speeds via my cell phone are very fast, about as fast as uploading to Google Drive or DropBox. I was pretty amazed…

Also, please take note that there are other configurations that will help you get better performance and solve minor issues with your ownCloud server.

Another note, once you have configured your ownCloud server and got it up and running make sure to commit your changes to the server by typing
docker ps -a
This will show all of your currently running Docker containers. Take note of the “CONTAINER ID”. Copy your container ID to your next command like this:
docker commit (without the <> of course).

This will help you merge your changes into a more permanent status. It may take a few minutes for this to complete.

More notes:
If you completely messed up your installation do not continue to run the
$ docker run -d -p 80:80 owncloud:8.1
as it will create a new container instance EVERY time!!! I did this at first and since I ran into multiple issues I had about 25 docker containers which locked up all my ports.
If you fail at installing run the
docker ps -a like before and get the container ID of the broken installation.
Next type docker rm <CONTAINER ID> to remove the mess.


A little reading on these sites will also help:

You will most likely want to follow the last link to set up proper configs.

While I was thinking , typing away at this guide, I figured we can start collecting issues and creating a better guide. So send em my way!

I’ll check this when I can!


Thanks !

Thanks for this.
And this may help someone else: It gave me an error the first time I tried to run this, so I typed:

MyCloudDL4100 root # docker run -d -p 89:80 owncloud:latest
and accessed it via

And it seemed to work.

On the admin page, I see:
“This server has no working Internet connection. …”

Is this an easy newbie fix?

So… I stopped the server while learning docker… and when I re-started, that error message went away.

Thank-you. :slight_smile:

as it for me works fine, untill I restart a WD PR4100, is there any possibility to save settings, and users and files?