I purchased a WD Elements 10 TB external drive in February. I am deployed and havent had consistent computer or internet access since then, so I wasn’t able to use the drive until April. When I plug the drive in to a Windows 10 PC it displays are 465 GBs. I have tried to remove all partitions and reformat the drive, with no change. I’ve used DISKPART Clean on the drive, reinitialize the drive with no change. Ive used the Western Digital drive diagnostic software which indicates the drive has no faults, and also shows it at 465 GB. Ive used a number of 3rd party drive utilities, all of which display the drive as only having 465 GB. I contacted Amazon, who was unwilling to accept a return because I am outside the return timeframe. I am not sure what else to do.
Contact WD support. If your device still under warranty, you can still get a replacement.
unless someone put a 500GB in a 10TB enclosure (465GB is the exact size of a 500GB in Windows … co-incidence ?)
i’d be curious if the OP double checked the Model Number in the WD Diagnostics or in CrystalDiskInfo
Same problem here!
I have a 5 TB showing that it is a 237 GBs!!
Nobody answering in the support.
I had to call their support line. The wrong drive was in the device I purchased (500gb drive in 10tb housing). Their support was not very helpful, and insisted the drive was fine or it was somehow my fault. I had to escalate it multiple times before they gave in and sent me a replacement drive. Even after I sent the old drive in for an RMA they accused me of placing a 500gb drive in the 10tb housing to try to scam them to send me a bigger drive. It was a hassle and I won’t buy WD products again if I can avoid it. I know this isn’t the answer you wanted, but you will likely have to try to RMA it and get them to send you the correct drive.
Should have replied my previous comment to you specifically. I put my answer in the thread.