there is a problem i cant understand. everything was okey till i restart my pc then my hdd started to work slower than usual i tried checkdisk etc… but it’s still the same i wait like 3 mins to enter a folder and the other problem is i cant find a working warranty point in my country. is there anything else i can do ? thx for answers
Hello and welcome to the community. I would suggest to run a DLG test first, if the test completes successfully then the problem could be related to data corruption. If the test fails see below for the steps to replace your hard drive.
How to test a drive for problems using Data Lifeguard Diagnostics for Windows
How to get an RMA, (Return Merchandise Authorization) or replace a defective product under warranty
i used DLG and i have an error… status code=07 (failed to read test element ) guess there is a big problem then