Need help very badly

Hi all I am trying so hard to get a view to work for my movies. It is probably pretty simple for all the awesome themers out their so I am asking for some help. All I would like is 6 or 7 thumbnails across the bottom of the page and when i scroll through them a movie image comes up on my movie backdrop screen. I am using firmware 2.07 which allows png’s to do this but can not get it to work. Attached is the back drop i wish to use. Can anyone help me get the movie image to appear on the screen. I do not know the coding.Thanks for your time.

I can’t see your picture.

Images take 24-48 Hours before they are “Approved” … then Everybody can see them

3rd Party Image hosts are different … the images appear instantly for everybody to see.

eg. ,  etc.  (take your pick, and click)


Backdrops / Moviesheets – 2 Different Methods


1. Your Movie xml contains a tag to display an image. This only works in “Gallery View”

eg. The Dark Knight Rises_sheet.jpg


2. Linksheets, which work with every view.

**SHEETS FOR FILES:  Rename the Moviesheet with a File Extension that matches your Movie File.
If you have… Watchmen.mkv  then Rename your Moviesheet to Watchmen.mkv  then cut and paste it into your Theme Folder.

SHEETS FOR FOLDERS:  Rename the Moviesheet with NO File Extension
If you have… MYMOVIES folder  then Rename your Moviesheet to MYMOVIES  then cut and paste it into your Theme Folder.

The File Path to Place Moviesheets is the Root of your Theme folder (ie. where all the XML files are)
  .wd_tv\theme\My Theme\ [Place Movie/LinkSheets here]

Finally the “Theme” designer includes these lines of XML code into their Theme which makes the “Linksheets” appear
For Gallery View: <image image=“@@browse_text” x=“0” y=“0” w="1280"h=“720” scale=“100” bg=“1”/>
For All Other Views: **


hi the image is available at the below link and what i am after is similar to the way the AEONISH theme works with the thumbail at the botton and a movie pic (png) on the screen. any help would be very much appreciated. I am using firmware 2.07 and do not wish to upgrade due to the non fuctionality of png images.


dude, that’s an easy one :wink:

Linksheet Method would be the best way to go (follow instructions above)

1: I resized the “cinema wallpaper” to 1280x720 that’s the default resolution for the UI. also rename your cinema backdrop to RV-BG.jpg

2: The “Moviesheet / Backdrop” (the center part) is 546 x 222  (no need to redraw the entire RV-BG backdrop) 

3: If you’re using this in Gallery View … this is the code

4: Remember you will need to “Create” the Backdrop image (the Hub Won’t do this for you … with what you want.)

5: Here’s a simple Thumbgen Backdrop template for 546x222

P.S. Having a Backdrop with 546x222 resolution … will be very fast :smiley:

P.P.S. Gallery View is slower (in most cases) with Linksheets if you have Movie XML (Delete them to regain speed)

thanks for your help. just to confirm can this only be done in gallery view? was planning on using it for Video browse page. Can this still be done?

Hi Joey

I still can’t seem to get this to work. I am trying to use the aeonish thumgen template and then get the code to show the thunbnail at the bottom of the screen and the image on the background screen. Along the lines on the gallery view in aeonish theme (except the image is on the right.)  Can the code be written to acheive this. If so can you offer your expertise for this. I do not wish to use linksheets at this time due to to much effort put in with the aeonish template. Much appreciated…

in my Aeonish Theme … the rv_gallery_browse_page.xml  contains this …

<image image=“@@poster” x=“733” y=“119” w=“456” h=“257”  scale=“100” scale_type=“pan” align=“top,left”/>

change it to this

<image image=“@@poster” x=“371” y=“161” w=“546” h=“307”  scale=“100” scale_type=“pan” align=“top,left”/>

it’s not gonna look how you want though, because i’m keeping 16:9 Aspect Ratio for the Backdrop Pic.

your backdrop pic in the middle is about 21:9 Aspect Ratio

The code for displaying “backdrop” pic is different for other views … unfortunatley i’m very busy with other ‘Projects’ so i will have to let you tinker around by yourself.

Hi Joey

Thanks for your assistance yet again however i must be doing something wrong as I updated my firmware to latest and followed your instructions but still can’t get link sheets to work. I renamed jpg file to movie name with extension and placed in Theme folder but nothing seems to show. Have you created a linksheets version of Dark yet. Can you tell me where i am going wrong.
