Wrong Thumbnail And Movie Summary

I love my new WD Live Media Hub!

One minor issue.  Of my library of about 140 titles, a few of them have incorrect thumbnails for a movie of the same name.

For example:  Sleeping Beauty  http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0053285/?ref_=nv_sr_1 actually shows up in the library as  http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1588398/?ref_=nv_sr_2 .

If you went to those links you can see they’re very different movies. :slight_smile:

I see how the WD Live stores thumnails with the “.thumb” extension and movie summaries in “.xml”.  Is it as simple as swapping those out or is there more to do?

Thanks in advance for any and all help.

What i would do …

Change to scan to “Manual” and select the correct movie


Use a 3rd party program eg. Thumbgen, Wdtvhubgen etc to Generate the Correct Thumbnail and XML

Replace the “Sleeping Beauty” thumbnail located along side where your “Sleeping Beauty.avi/mkv etc” resides.

(eg. either  Sleeping Beauty.jpg or Sleeping Beauty.metathumb … or your can delete the .metathumb and keep the .jpg)

So, you have this

Sleeping Beauty.avi

Sleeping Beauty.jpg

Sleeping Beauty.xml

then Delete the thumb folder on the WDTV Live Hub eg.  X:.wd_tv\thumb


Power off the WDTV Live Hub (Hold the Standby Button down for 5 Seconds … then switch off at the wall socket … wait a couple of seconds then Power back on. [This is called Power Cycling]

Wait until the “Compiling Media Library” message is gone … and you should now have the correct movie pic & info

Thank you very much.

Worked perfect.