Theme: GoodBye Black Mamba (LinkSheet) Updated Dec 14th

@Devicious: the folder sheet looks great.

For users, my suggestion is to change the Main movisheet to “E:\Sheets$F” (replace the drive and sheet folder to your settings). With this it generates the folder sheet with folder name. so you just have to remove the extension and place the sheet in the theme root folder.

Also, if you want the folder name as your folder sheet headline, then edit the template and find for %TITLE% and replace it as %MOVIEFOLDER%. In this way you dont have to edit the title each time.

 <TextElement Name=“TextElement” X=“110” Y=“54” Width=“600” Height=“50” AutoSize=“True” Multiline=“False” Font=“HarvestItal,45,Point,0” ForeColor=“-1” StrokeColor=“-16777216” StrokeWidth=“0” Text=“%MOVIEFOLDER%” TextAlignment=“TopLeft” TextQuality=“AntiAlias” TGD_IsLocked=“False” TGD_IsVisible=“True”>