Mojo for the SMP. (Updated 9-29-12)

I hope I have the correct viewpoint on this but I seem to have Thumbgen working OK.  However I always add 2 other files of my own, folder.jpg and MovieTitle.jpg (where MovieTitle is the actual name of the movie, eg The Help.jpg).  Both these files are 120 x 180.

Then I run Thumbgen.  The Thumbgen HowTo says to put a tick next to “Spare Movie Sheet” and set it as .png.  I have deslected this.  I will use the movie “The Help” as an example. 

I finish up with a folder with 7 files:

The Help.avi


The Help.jpg

The Help.avi.tgmd

The Help.avi_sheet.jpg

The Help.xml

The Help_cover.jpg

This seems to work OK for me.

If necessary I get into the .xml sheet and  and over write the with Crime/Drama  This then fills the Genre heading on the movie sheet.

Sometimes I have to update the “Overview” with info I have copy pasted from either IMDB or Wikipedia.