I am pulling BLACK MAMBA

DeVicious wrote:

Let’s get to the bottom of this and optimize it.


  1. Does that happen with all the themes that have local backdrops?
  1. did this happen with MY movie sheets… (my demo in example)
  1. what is the file size of the thumbnail and the movie sheet?
  1. when did you purchase your hub?
  1. is that on the internal HDD, an external or through network?
  1. is this happening on locally store backdrops or internet bacldrops
  1. are you connected to the internet?


here some things you might want to consider prior to using the Black Mamba theme.

delete the folder .miocrawler_cache, delete the thumbs folder and delete the individual .wd_tv folder (careful not the one with the themes) delete your media library and turn it off. Now unplug the power cord from the hub and restart without the media library on. I would bet it is way faster now, after that turn the library back on (if you really need it otherwise keep it off)

  1. Yes it happens with all themes using local backdrops

  2. Yes

  3. Average Thumbnail = 55KB / Movie Sheet = 45KB

  4. Purchase HUB about 1 year ago

  5. On both internal HD and NAS over wired gigabit network

  6. Happening on locally stored backdrops generated by latest version of Thumbgen

  7. Yes Hub is wired to router

Also I deleted thumb folders, cleared media library and deleted wdtv.cas2. There were no .miocrawler_cache folder but I did see it at one point months before. Turned off the media library. Unplug power cord, waited 5 minutes, and HUB booted up. Result was the same…5-6 seconds delay. It’d switch to black background within 1 second but the moviesheet itself takes another 4-5 seconds to show.

Only thing left I could think of is try pressing the reset buton on the Hub since I’ve never done that before, even after couple firmware upgrades.

Anything else you could think of? The only thing I really care abou the moviesheet is the imdb rating and info on the file like video/audio bitrate. I changed the movie sheet to contain only those info with black background. The actual movie synopsis/year/actors/etc are text within the movie.xml file so those come up within 1 second…just the imdb rating and other stuff lags behind.