XML Question

Hi All!

Just got mysellf a WDTV Live Streaming after using a Sumvision Cyclone for over a year and so far I love it! I am currently in the middle of Sorting out the Meta Data for all my files…  I dont use the Network storage/streaming part but only attach external hard drives to it.

My question is can the system read/find Hidden XML and Jpg files for the meta data? I take my externals away with me as I travel around and all the files are Named and Sorted on the hard drive but now obviously there is an XML and jpg file for them all as well…To most people this wouldn’t bother them but me! Im odd and it does!  So if I hide them when I plug in the external when I return home will it find them without me having to unhide everything?!



I guess the question would be how you plan on “hiding” these files.  I don’t think you can move the xml & jpeg’s out of the  folder the movie/files they are located in & have them found.  The device will likely recreate these files.  If you are talking about adding a dot “.” in front of the file name, I do not know.  Have not tried that but it might work as the device already generates “hidden” folders like that.  Let us know what your attempting works as other may want to try it as well.

The answer is no.  The SMP will only read data if it’s in a specific structure.


yourmovie.mkv (or what ever extension you use)



This all have to be in the same folder (and cann’t be saved as a hidden file/folder).  So you will have:


     yourmovie.mkv (or what ever extension you use)

