WDTV LIVE Network Share FIXES for Win7 x64 Home Premium

Wow, tense tense tense.

I have not changed anything in my registry, and I don’t have a router that can act as an MB. All still works fine. When I check which box is the MB, sometimes it’s one of my PCs, but often it is my HUB or my SMP. Doesn’t really seem to matter. As long as some box has taken over the MB slot, my network works. I’d prefer it not be one of the WD’s but I don’ t really have any good reason for that except for personal preferance.

I think there are some good points here from everyone. Sure, messing with your registy can be dangerous, and I would not recomend it to a lot of people I know. On the otherhand, I am sure a lot of people here have spend plenty of time in there already and feel pretty comfortable with it. There were some “Ideas” on registry changes in this thread that made no sense to me, and could do more harm than help. Changing the “isDomaineMaster” setting is not one of those. It’s a reasonable thing for a person with some experience in their registry to do. 

I did phone support for a very large OS company here in Seatle (Hmmm) back when WinNT was just released, and the registry was brand new. I walked a lot of folks through making changes to their registy. Sometimes it took seconds, sometimes hours. More concerning was helping yoyos who had already changed their registry and did not know what they were doing. Perhaps they had read about some hidden tweak to make their CPU faster or whatnot. Plenty of those folks were SOL and we were reinstalling or using recovery disks. The lesson to be learned is to be very careful, and only change things that truly understand the outcome of. And yes, a backup of your registy is a good idea.

You two are both correct though, just solving the problem from different angles. For me, I’m not really sure what the problem is to solve. In worse case scenarios, a full network reboot seems to fix everything, I wouldn’t want to do that every day, but it’s fine every once in a while, and probably good to flush the cache and stagnent memory resident programs once a week anyways.
