WDLXTV Homebrew Gen 3 - Moviesheets - Movies on PC - HELP PLEASE


So, I have all my movies on my PC, I have Homebrew for Gen 3 up and running, Goodbye Black Mamba Theme installed. I am currently viewing via Shared Network running through hardwire Network.

I have tried testing a single folder (Test) on my PC with a movie (MKV) inside, I have run Thumbgen, which has provided sheets, thumbs etc all with in shared folder.

I really need help viweing these sheets, there are so so many guides around, that I am completely lost. I am pretty sure that the B-Rad firmware had no S00-custom file either.

Can someone give me a straight and accurate guide on how to achieve this?

I wish to view sheets, thumbs etc which are all on my PC next to or parent folder of actual movies…Sseriously losing sleep trying to work it all out!  I hazard a guess that I also need to point msheets to PC or something?

More than happt to donate to B-Rad firmware, if I could only get this to work! :S



if you need help with homebrew, you should post on the homebrew forum

fuzz79dude wrote:


 I wish to view sheets, thumbs etc which are all on my PC next to or parent folder of actual movies…




Agree with KAD if you are having hombrew problems but…

sounds to me like you are unclear how to use linkhseets. Your sheets won’t work if they are on your PC.

With the theme you got a file called “Link Sheet Manual - Black Mamba.pdf”. It explains how to rename your files and where to put them. 


Ok, thanks :slight_smile: