Titan Live Mods

Rather than plug up dribblers thread with my situation specific mods, he asked that I place them here in a new thread.  Want to thank dribbler once again for this nice colorful scheme, and now that I’ve messed around with it just a little, I can only begin to apprecieate the hours it takes to get it right. 

If you have mods for the Titan Live 1.2.17 theme, and would care to share them, this would be the place to put them or ask for help on getting them right. 

Now to me.  Working at home often, the focus of my setup is for music.  The goal of was to have a “personalized radio station” during the day, and a video player with WAF in the evenings.   After a lot of trial and failure, there was just too much for the SMP to digest.  

I still use the media library, but only for the Video and Photo folders, and only because it allows me to bypass folders I don’t want to see.  For Music I now use “media server” share, and my NAS does the work for me. 

Sadly, by doing this I lost a lot of cover art, which used to show up when browsing albums, files etc… but the upside was that I could finally play music the way I wanted to.  All day, random play, and if I don’t like a song hit FF.  I turn the big-screen off, and instead use a small dedicated monitor with RCA jacks for this.  That was when I started to want to tweak this theme. 

In both the Now Playing Home screen and the list view, the displayed cover art which was too small for “Old squinty”, and I had to walk right up to the screen to find out who was playing that tune I didn’t recognize but liked.  It happened often enough.

My first two mods are for these screens. 

Kudos for all those who helped along the way.  Without this community…

Just learning or wanting to try (as I was just a few days ago)? 

If you don’t already have them, some tools you’ll need.  Get them when you’re ready.:stuck_out_tongue:

WinZip → http://www.oldversion.com/windows/winzip/    You’ll need this to extract/repack zips without compression.  Pick you’re version.

Windows Grep → http://www.wingrep.com/download.htm  Great for searching for specific text withing xml files to locate the one you need to change.  Lots of other things too, but I haven’t got there yet.

Gimp → http://www.gimp.org/  Freeware image editor.

And some references:

Tinwarbles .xml database → http://community.wd.com/t5/WD-TV-Live-Hub-Themes/XML-DATABASE-formerly-Request-for-all-Themers/m-p/125086/highlight/true#M45  Wish I had found this earlier, but there it is.

Tinwarbles “Some tips on theming” →   http://community.wd.com/t5/WD-TV-Live-Hub-Themes/Some-tips-on-theming/td-p/144024  Great explanations on xmls and just how they work.   

Colors → http://www.computerhope.com/htmcolor.htm  A simple guide for text color codes.


album_playback.xml edit:

Please, keep in mind I have little interest in searching other music while this screen is up. I have the back button for that.

Before --> http://i388.photobucket.com/albums/oo322/biffboffo/Dungeon_20131031_150210.jpg

After --> http://i388.photobucket.com/albums/oo322/biffboffo/TheLounge_20131108_040654.jpg

The problems that remain unsolved at this point are:

  1. The lightbar got cutoff instead of skewed like I wanted. <---noob
  2. There is no Album Name under the album art like I wanted.

Questions to you folks:

  1. Solution would be to point the code at file_browse_list_focus_bar.png (shorter) instead of file_browse_list_focus_bar1.png (current) Solved: Wrong target. Placed a copy of the shorter lightbar in the Images file, deleted Music_playback_focus_bar and renamed the copy to same name. Don't know how to change the target? Change the image instead.
  2. With the media library turned off for music, is there a way I can access this data? An existing tag (or whatever) like @@album_name that I don't know about yet, or possibly extracting it from @@rolling_message? Still hoping for a solution here.

c/p of album_playback.xml after edits:

<?xml version="1.0"?>

<page background="./image/RV-BG.jpg">
<button valkey="PLAY_ALBUM"/>
<button valkey="INFO"/>
<listbox valkey="browselist" autoenter="1" autoswitch="0" move="row" cols="1" rows="9" lbmask="udlr" loop_scroll="0" turbo_trigger="10" turbo_multi="10" />
<textbox valkey="metadata_overview" numlines="8" directkey_table="UD"/>

<image image="image/flash_icon_000.png" x="0"y="0"w="1280"h="720" bg="1"/>
<image image="image/flash_icon_001.png" x="0" y="0" w="250" h="100" bg="1"/>

<!-- temperature -->
<wrapper><text text="@@info_temp" x="1022" y="74" w="200" h="26" align="right" fontsize="18" textcolor="0xFFFFFF" bg="1"/><text text="$$Temperature I" x="980" y="74" w="200" h="26" align="right" fontsize="18" textcolor="0xFFFFFF" bg="1"/><text text="@@info_time" x="1075" y="35" w="150" h="44" align="right" fontsize="40" textcolor="0xFFFFFF" bg="1"/> <image x="1067" y="35" w="44" h="44" image="@@info_temp_icon" scale="100" bg="1"/> </wrapper>

<text text="@@text-play_album" x="1122" y="113" w="200" h="20" align="left" fontsize="18" actnoseltextcolor="0xffffff" activetextcolor="0x786D5F" actoverlistcolor="0x786D5F" textcolor="0x786D5F" disable="@@disable-PLAY_ALBUM" active="@@act-PLAY_ALBUM"/>
<text text="@@text-info" x="1131" y="142" w="200" h="20" align="left" fontsize="18"actnoseltextcolor="0xffffff" activetextcolor="0x786D5F" actoverlistcolor="0x786D5F" textcolor="0x786D5F"disable="@@disable-INFO" active="@@act-INFO"/>

<text text="@@info_time" x="1075" y="35" w="150" h="44" align="right" fontsize="40" textcolor="0xffffff"/>

<text x="42" y="115" w="820" h="30" text="@@album_name" speed="1" delay="1" fontsize="28" textcolor="0x07b5ff" align="left" numlines="1"/>
<text x="43" y="115" w="820" h="30" text="@@album_name" speed="1" delay="1" fontsize="28" textcolor="0x07b5ff" align="left" numlines="1"/>
<text x="43" y="116" w="820" h="30" text="@@album_name" speed="1" delay="1" fontsize="28" textcolor="0x07b5ff" align="left" numlines="1"/>
<text x="42" y="116" w="820" h="30" text="@@album_name" speed="1" delay="1" fontsize="28" textcolor="0x07b5ff" align="left" numlines="1"/>

<table x="95" w="490" h="320" cols="1" rows="9" align="left" speed="1" delay="1" fontsize="22" disable="@@disable-browselist" textcolor="0xCCCCCC" actnoseltextcolor="0xCCCCCC" actoverlistcolor="0xCCCCCC" activetextcolor="0xCCCCCC" selectedtextcolor="0xFFFFFF">
<text text="@@song_name_0" y="172" selected="@@browse_0_select" speed="@@browse_speed_0" delay="1"/>
<text text="@@song_name_1" y="209" selected="@@browse_1_select" speed="@@browse_speed_1" delay="1"/>
<text text="@@song_name_2" y="246" selected="@@browse_2_select" speed="@@browse_speed_2" delay="1"/>
<text text="@@song_name_3" y="283" selected="@@browse_3_select" speed="@@browse_speed_3" delay="1"/>
<text text="@@song_name_4" y="320" selected="@@browse_4_select" speed="@@browse_speed_4" delay="1"/>
<text text="@@song_name_5" y="357" selected="@@browse_5_select" speed="@@browse_speed_5" delay="1"/>
<text text="@@song_name_6" y="394" selected="@@browse_6_select" speed="@@browse_speed_6" delay="1"/>
<text text="@@song_name_7" y="431" selected="@@browse_7_select" speed="@@browse_speed_7" delay="1"/>
<text text="@@song_name_8" y="468" selected="@@browse_8_select" speed="@@browse_speed_8" delay="1"/>

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<text text="@@song_order_1" y="209" lmargin="0" ymargin="0" dmargin="0"/>
<text text="@@song_order_2" y="246" lmargin="0" ymargin="0" dmargin="0"/>
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<text text="@@song_order_7" y="431" lmargin="0" ymargin="0" dmargin="0"/>
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<wrapper w="555" h="38" x="50" disable="@@disable-browselist">
<image image="@@lightbar_0"y="169"bg="1"/>
<image image="@@lightbar_1"y="207"bg="1"/>
<image image="@@lightbar_2"y="243"bg="1"/>
<image image="@@lightbar_3"y="281"bg="1"/>
<image image="@@lightbar_4"y="317"bg="1"/>
<image image="@@lightbar_5"y="355"bg="1"/>
<image image="@@lightbar_6"y="392"bg="1"/>
<image image="@@lightbar_7"y="429"bg="1"/>
<image image="@@lightbar_8"y="467"bg="1"/>

<!-- favorite icon -->
<wrapper w="23" h="21" x="615" disable="@@disable-browselist">
<image image="@@favorite_0" y="172"/>
<image image="@@favorite_1" y="209"/>
<image image="@@favorite_2" y="246"/>
<image image="@@favorite_3" y="283"/>
<image image="@@favorite_4" y="320"/>
<image image="@@favorite_5" y="357"/>
<image image="@@favorite_6" y="394"/>
<image image="@@favorite_7" y="431"/>
<image image="@@favorite_8" y="468"/>

<wrapper w="70" h="700" x="38" scale="40" scale_type="pan" align="bottom_hcenter" disable="@@disable-now_playing_icon">
<image image="@@now_playing_0" y="-501"/>
<image image="@@now_playing_1" y="-463"/>
<image image="@@now_playing_2" y="-427"/>
<image image="@@now_playing_3" y="-389"/>
<image image="@@now_playing_4" y="-353"/>
<image image="@@now_playing_5" y="-315"/>
<image image="@@now_playing_6" y="-279"/>
<image image="@@now_playing_7" y="-241"/>
<image image="@@now_playing_8" y="-204"/>

<image image="@@moreprev" x="220" y="515" w="37" h="24" scale="80" disable="@@disable-PREVNEXT"/>
<image image="@@morenext" x="300" y="515" w="37" h="24" scale="80" disable="@@disable-PREVNEXT"/>

<text text="@@metadata_overview" x="70" y="178" w="1140" h="330" align="left" fontsize="26"textcolor="0xcccccc" numlines="@@numlines-metadata_overview" id="metadata_overview" start_line="@@start_line-metadata_overview" disable="@@disable-metadata_overview" disable_tail_dots="1"/>
<text text="@@metadata_prev_page" x="70" y="515" w="400" h="22" align="left" fontsize="20"textcolor="0x786D5F" active="@@prev-metadata_overview" actnoseltextcolor="0xFFFFFF" disable="@@disable-metadata_overview"/>
<text text="@@metadata_next_page" x="815" y="515" w="400" h="22" align="right" fontsize="20"textcolor="0x786D5F" active="@@next-metadata_overview" actnoseltextcolor="0xFFFFFF" disable="@@disable-metadata_overview"/>

<text text="$$Now Playing" x="579" y="669" w="386" h="25" fontsize="22" textcolor="0x000000" align="left" disable="@@disable-audiopanel"/>
<text text="$$Now Playing" x="580" y="669" w="386" h="25" fontsize="22" textcolor="0x000000" align="left" disable="@@disable-audiopanel"/>
<text text="$$Now Playing" x="580" y="670" w="386" h="25" fontsize="22" textcolor="0x000000" align="left" disable="@@disable-audiopanel"/>
<text text="$$Now Playing" x="579" y="670" w="386" h="25" fontsize="22" textcolor="0x000000" align="left" disable="@@disable-audiopanel"/>

<image image="image/flash_icon_004.png" x="1032" y="590" w="211" h="37" scale="100"/>

<text text="@@songname" x="255" y="560" w="770" h="38" speed="1" delay="1" fontsize="36" textcolor="0x07b5ff" align="hcenter" disable="@@disable-audiopanel"/>
<text text="@@artist" x="710" y="120" w="500" h="38" speed="1" delay="1" fontsize="36" textcolor="0x07b5ff" align="hcenter" disable="@@disable-audiopanel"/>

<!-- album name not working -->
<text text="@@album_name" x="710" y="780" w="500" h="38" speed="1" delay="1" fontsize="36" textcolor="0x07b5ff" align="left" disable="@@disable-audiopanel"/>

<text text="@@play_time" x="1060" y="597" w="238" h="22" fontsize="18" textcolor="0xcccccc" align="left" disable="@@disable-audiopanel"/>
<text text="@@total_time" x="1144" y="597" w="228" h="22" align="left" fontsize="18" textcolor="0xcccccc" disable="@@disable-audiopanel"/>

<image image="image/music_playback_playing_fake.png" x="527"y="62 "w="325"h="700" scale="70" bg="1" />
<image image="@@play_state" x="527" y="62" w="325" h="700" scale="70" bg="1" disable="@@disable-audiopanel"/>
<image image="@@speed_state" x="527" y="62" w="325" h="700" scale="70" bg="1" disable="@@disable-audiopanel"/>

<image image="image/music_playback_playing_none_shuffle.png" x="761"y="612 "w="115"h="52" scale="70" bg="1" />
<image image="@@shuffle-ico" x="761" y="612" w="115" h="52" scale="70" disable="@@disable-audiopanel"/>
<image image="image/music_playback_playing_none_repeat.png" x="440"y="612 "w="115"h="52" scale="70" bg="1" />
<image image="@@repeat-ico" x="440" y="612" w="115" h="52" scale="70" disable="@@disable-audiopanel"/>

<progress_bar name="point_bar" x="248" y="603" w="785" h="10" pb_back_img="image/album_playback_playing_progress_bar_bg.png" pb_front_img="image/album_playback_playing_progress_bar.png" pb_point_img="image/album_playback_playing_progress_bar_point.png" pb_delay="500"/>

<image image="image/file_icon_008.png" x="810" y="174" w="300"h="300" scale="100" bg="1" disable="@@disable-audiopanel"/>
<image image="@@info_album_artist" x="810" y="174" w="300"h="300" scale="100" bg="1" disable="@@disable-audiopanel"/>

<image image="@@wrongkeyicon" x="563" y="282" w="154" h="155" align="hcenter" />
<image image="@@keyicon" x="1063" y="71" w="65" h="45" align="hcenter" />
<image image="@@mute_icon" x="179" y="584" w="48" h="48" disable="@@disable-audiopanel" />

<include filename="./inc_decoration_player.xml"/>


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inc_generic_now_playing_home.xml edit"

This was actually my first, but I grew tired of the non-functionality of this screen.  I like the background colors better, but no FF is a pest.  It’s ok for navigating around, and I still like to see what’s playing while I do what I’m doing. 


Before –> http://i388.photobucket.com/albums/oo322/biffboffo/Dungeon_20131031_150232-1.jpg


After –> http://i388.photobucket.com/albums/oo322/biffboffo/TheLounge_20131106_041520.jpg


Problems remaining:

  1. Haven’t found the code to elliminate the redundant song title under the Now Playing window.
  2. Scrolling message is reeeeely slow.  Probably font size related?
  3. Not so sure I like yellow for the text color.

As far as edits go, this one was dirt simple, and probably a good place for me to start. 


Here’s the edited .xml


<?xml version=“1.0”?>
<wrapper disable=“@@info_generic_now_playing_disable”>

<image image=“image/file_icon_008.png” x=“200” y=“50” w=“196"h=“196” scale=“100” bg=“1”/>
<image image=”@@info_album_artist" x=“200” y=“50” w=“196"h=“196” scale=“100” bg=“1”/>

<text text=”$$Now Playing:" x=“470” y=“90” w=“200” h=“30” fontsize=“26” textcolor=“0xFFFF00” align=“left” bg=“1”/>

<text text=“$$Current Time:” x=“470” y=“170” w=“199” h=“30” fontsize=“26” textcolor=“0xFFFF00” align=“left” bg=“1”/>
<text text=“@@info_currenttime” x=“670” y=“170” w=“150” h=“30” fontsize=“26” textcolor=“0xFFFF00” align=“left” bg=“1”/>
<image image=“@@info_mute_icon” x=“70” y=“130” w=“48” h=“48”/>
<text text=“@@info_rolling_message” x=“470” y=“120” w=“500” h=“50”   fontsize=“42” speed=“1” delay=“1” align=“left” textcolor=“0xFFFF00” />



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Thanks for the awesome Theme I loaded to day and coundn’t believe the view I was getting on the Movie Cover art 14 movies at once nice I coundn’t even read the cover art with WD Theme and didn’t think I would fine one but your takes the cake. So I was digging around the Images and wounding if I could change the wallpaper background I did for the Dashborad but was looking to change the one that comes as default well yours. And do I have to change the Icons if I do change the Wallpaper icon_logo4wmc_48x48 or is this wrong. and the line of code would be nice too.

Also is there a place where I can donation some money for the time you put in this because it nice.

There are a few things I like to change but probably won’t because I might just wast my time on WD half you never know what there going to be doing with there Firmware updates.

I’m playing music from a app on the WD and fine that the music is dropping in and out not all the time and don’t know if its the new theme just wanted to let you know.

I’ve spent today playing with Gimp.

A few posters requested having the Movies image on the main menu changed to read Videos instead.  I count myself in that number.

Current screenshots:

Focused–> http://i388.photobucket.com/albums/oo322/biffboffo/TheLounge_20131127_053125.jpg

Unfocused → http://i388.photobucket.com/albums/oo322/biffboffo/TheLounge_20131110_130553.jpg

The images are available below:

main_videos_icon_f → http://www.mediafire.com/view/49mr1amsnfrs7en/main_videos_icon_f.jpg

main_videos_icon_n → http://www.mediafire.com/?3u5vwpei81wm377

!NOTE ! One file extension is currently .jpg.  You will need to manually change to .png before merging with the image folder.  If you don’t change it, you will end up with two files with similar names but different extensions.

This will not do. 

After changing the file extension, unpack your theme zip file (but make a copy of course), swap out the two files, zip it back up, and upload it via web interface. 



@PhoneyVirus – I’m playing music from a app on the WD and fine that the music is dropping in and out

More likely your internet connection, IMO, although I rearely use any of the apps.  Some are just plain weak.

I don’t think changing backgrounds will necessitate you changing icons.  Change, and name the new image with the same name, and you should have to change no code.  You should double check this, really.  I’m still new to the tweaking dept. 

Always make a copy/backup is rule #1 for me. 

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Just did this, and required a power cycle to see the change.


How to remove unwanted icons from the home menu. 

Simply a c/p of one of Joey Smyths’ posts from the Titan Live thread.  Thought it might be nice to have all in one place.

Games and Apps(Services?) can easily be removed from the Home Screen Menu selection 



Delete the code in RED

<?xml version="1.0"?> <button valkey="RV_HOME_MENU_SERVICES" name=" " normal_bg="image/main_services_icon_n.png" focused_bg="image/main_services_icon_f.png" disabled_bg="image/main_services_icon_n.png"/> <button valkey="RV_HOME_MENU_GAMES" name=" " normal_bg="image/main_games_icon_n.png" focused_bg="image/main_Game_icon_f_001.png" disabled_bg="image/main_games_icon_n.png"/>



Bloodshot wrote:

I’ve spent today playing with Gimp.


A few posters requested having the Movies image on the main menu changed to read Videos instead.  I count myself in that number.


Current screenshots:


Focused–> http://i388.photobucket.com/albums/oo322/biffboffo/TheLounge_20131110_130454.jpg

Unfocused → http://i388.photobucket.com/albums/oo322/biffboffo/TheLounge_20131110_130553.jpg


The images are available below:


main_videos_icon_f → http://www.mediafire.com/?49mr1amsnfrs7en

main_videos_icon_n → http://www.mediafire.com/?3u5vwpei81wm377


!NOTE ! One file extension is currently .jpg.  You will need to manually change to .png before merging with the image folder.  If you don’t change it, you will end up with two files with similar names but different extensions.


This will not do. 


After changing the file extension, unpack your theme zip file (but make a copy of course), swap out the two files, zip it back up, and upload it via web interface. 





^ Thanks for this, I hope this is added as the defualt in the next release

No you can’t change the wallpaper with out changing/editing the icons has it just leaves the old background image around the Icon and I not that good of a editor to change the background withput touching the icon so I’m sticking with the origianl thanks.

I’ve been working on changes to the buttons.  Starting to become familar with Gimp now.  Learn learn learn…

I changed the “resume/restart” screen to something easier on my eyes.  It’s in the full zip at the bottom.

I’ve also enlarged the album art in album_playback because I can’t seem to get the album name to display in the space I left for it.  Might as well use up the space.  If anyone knows how I can get this to display while using “media server”, please do let me know and I’ll adjust that screen again. 

Anyways, here are a few current screenshots of what I have going now.

Playing → http://i388.photobucket.com/albums/oo322/biffboffo/TheLounge_20131122_030535.jpg

Fast Forward → http://i388.photobucket.com/albums/oo322/biffboffo/TheLounge_20131122_030617.jpg

Rewind → http://i388.photobucket.com/albums/oo322/biffboffo/TheLounge_20131122_030743.jpg

Resume/Restart →   http://i388.photobucket.com/albums/oo322/biffboffo/TheLounge_20131122_040225.jpg

I didn’t have the originals to start with, so editing was limited by my own newbiness at this. 

Png’s are here → https://www.mediafire.com/?8qa1a4cyfv7a3dz

Gimps’ .xcf files are here →   http://www.mediafire.com/download/4xoeijgfviipy7l/Gimp%2520xcf%2527s.zip

Now, nearly as done as I want to be, the full zip is here →   http://www.mediafire.com/download/jyv4lwwwvdussiw/Titan%20LiveE%201.2.17.zip

*edited white title bar to blue*

And another thank-you to dribbler for putting all the work into this theme in the first place.  


Show us Hub users the linksheet mod for this theme, please!

Would THIS be it? Post #10 (look in lower left corner of each post for its number)

oh is there still no linksheets version of Titan osd.

sorry, I’ve had linksheets on this since about day one

I’m at work now, but yes I can package a linksheets version of this, easy peasy

I’ll upload tonight

for reference here’s what needs to be added to a theme to make it linksheet compatible

  1. to be linksheets compatible themes must make a few xml edits, add the following line
all other views

ok, here’s a version of titan with linksheets enabled

I forgot which views I enabled linksheets, it might only be one view


which is the view I use - except of coarse with a linksheet in background

If I remember correctly the version I did edits on was 1.2 , it was after joey improved the speed of browsing

I was curious if it was possible to port the gallery view from version 1.2.35 to the new finished 1.3.17. I actually prefer this look with more thumbs.

Titan Live 1.2.35

Should be simple enough to do by yourself…

Extract both New & Old Theme Versions

From 1.2.35 Copy rv_gallery_browse_page.xml  and the Gallery image folder

then paste and overwrite the files in 1.3.17 … then rezip with no compression at root level… upload and your done.

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Thanks for the idea. I didn’t think it would be that easy to just copy and paste. It didn’t work, something was wrong with the left side where the movie info lays with 2 weird boxes. It did give me the idea of taking everything from 1.3.17 and copying it to the 1.2.35 version without overwriting and that did work. I am not sure of all the differences but at this point this is good enough for now.

For anyone interested http://www.megafileupload.com/en/file/477185/Titan-Live-1-2-35m-zip.html

I did notice and didn’t see anyone bring it up that in setup you can’t scroll up from the top and end at the bottom. It down loop from the bottom to the top when navigating but not vice versa. Would that be a possible mod?

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blazinsmokey wrote:

I did notice and didn’t see anyone bring it up that in setup you can’t scroll up from the top and end at the bottom. It down loop from the bottom to the top when navigating but not vice versa. Would that be a possible mod?

Easily done … edit  rv_setup_entry_page.xml  change lbmask=“u”   to  lbmask=“lr”    (that’s a lowercase L and R)

1 Like

Easily done … edit  rv_setup_entry_page.xml  change lbmask=“u”   to  lbmask=“lr”    (that’s a lowercase L and R)

Excellent.  Thanks for this. 

So, I am also modding with the great Titan Live, and as this is the thread for it, I post my question here.

Anyway, my mod is somewhat different from Bloodshot … I have made a linksheet theme using linksheets only in the list view, and I already got that working quite nicely.

Now I am on the search to make it faster … changing to the next movie takes for about 1,5 secs. I removed all the xml´s from the movie folder, and I optimiced the jpeg´s from about 200kb to 70kb. Now, it´s still about 1 sec

And, I also deleted the line in the xml that brings the little thumbnail on the top, and replaced that with a thumbnail inside the linksheet.

If anyone has suggestions how to speed things up - you´re welcome :wink:

i was wondeirng if anyone could help me remove the Minutes (or M… as it’s appearing) text that appears after the time in the video listings. also can i remove the .000, i dont need micro seconds…

for example, at the moment it displays “ M…”, all i want is “2.06.53”