Tips for Managing Images and Image Sizes

Mr-Wolf wrote:

I understand your argument: “if it was not done before in a theme, it’s because it can’t be done”, that answers some of my questions.

Somewhat, but not exactly… :stuck_out_tongue: Just because it has not been done, doesn’t mean it can’t. I think that is a decent bet, but I have seen some pretty cool stuff coded for these boxes that I did not expect. Linksheets are a great example.

More to the point is that I have tried almost every theme the generous coders have posted here for us. We can see what the differences are between them , thus what they are able to change; and then we can see what is common between all of them. One of the commonalities is how all the themes show the cover-art in each view. For example, gallery view (cover-art along the bottom, sheet above) always looks that same way. The sheet above is completely different in each theme, and clearly customizable, but the covers are layed out the same. Also, we know that a sheet can be made dynamically with XMLs, or a JPG Linksheet that is static. But that bottom row of cover-art is always the same in that view, so I am assuming that the WD ROM is determining how the coverart is pulled and displayed. This the same with each of the other views available. We see what the coder has designed in theme, but the covers are always displayed the same.

All that said, no one knew about Linksheets, till one clever coder (sorry, cannot remember who but they deserve a ton of credit) figured it out, and then we had a brand new type of theme and backdrops that came up instantaneously. Changed everything. So could someone design a theme that used covers the same way that linksheets are used? Perhaps, I just have not seen it and what we know from looking at themes would indicate no.

I am about as far from a coder as you can get, I have just tried out a lot of them. Hopefully someone who has actually written some of the great themes available can answer if there is even a chance of doing what you ask. My answers are just conjecture based on usage,
