Stuttering movies


It seems that all movies on my SMP have problems with fluent play. It looks like image stops for a split second every half second or so. Audio is OK. It is specially promiment in case of panning scenes or similar motion.

The same file plays fluently when played directly by my smart TV. SMP is connected to the TV via amp (HDMI). Latest firmware installed. Movies are played from USB Desktop Elements drive connected directly to the SMP.

Here is a 4.5 MB sample, where stuttering is very visible

Do you see it as well?

I must admit, I read “Stuttering Movies”

and immediately jump to here we go again with bandwidth issues

but you have an interesting post and an actual sample how about that :dizzy_face:

my first thought is check the resolutions and framerate settings in WD

settings → video - > resolution - > auto - > match video framerate

besides that maybe another one of the guys, will check out the sample provided