Netflix Kids - no thumbnail images


I’ve got a profile set up on Netflix for the kids and it doesn’t show the thumbnails for any of the programs.  All it shows is a grey box where the thumbnail artwork should be.

If I change to my profile that is not set for ‘Netflix Kids’ then the thumbnails appear.

I’ve tried it on both of my WDTV Live units and they are the same. Is it a Netflix problem or a WDTV problem?

Any ideas how to solve it?


Nope, it’s on Netflix’s end – I’m seeing it on both my SMPs also.

Thanks.  Glad it isn’t something I’ve done.

Hopefully it will be a quick fix.

Is this from the latest firmware as well?

Bill_S wrote:

Is this from the latest firmware as well?

This issue started well after the latest firmware; hence why I think it’s a NetFlix change, not a WD change.

No, I agree. I forwarded this to be looked into, just in case though.