MLB Streaming Issues

I’ve just bought the Live SMP specifically to watch MLB easier (and because Live kept deleting my files on NTFS).

I’m shocked how badly it behaves, as mentioned above: jump to inning jumps to a random spot, game begins in 2nd/3rd inning, when there is buffering in archived game a fast-forward follows. I had no issues with sound so far (with amplifier).

I am hiding scores, there is no point in watching a game knowing it. However, in the list of archived games, there is an indication of “Final” or “Final-13”. This immediately tells me if there were extra innings, and ruins the experience of either the first 9 innings, or the end of the game, knowing the game won’t be tied to go into extra innings. Please consider this. Too bad that those who develop this software don’t use it. Otherwise this would be evident.

Thank you for your attention.