Long path to my files

Hi all!

I finally got my files from my Diskstation streamed to my WD Player. That has taken me a serious while by the way.

Anyway, what I noticed, it takes a lot of navigationing to the underlying folders to reach the actual Photo / Music / Movie folders on my WD Mediaplayer.

To explain more, I refer to the pic included in this post. It’s a printscreen of the same ‘clicks’ I have to make with my WD Mediaplayer (the path is the same as on my PC).

Is there any workaround?  I intend to make it a bit more nice looking too at my TV screen. Maybe that will be the next step.

You input is highly appreciated. Thank you in advance.

El_Duderino wrote:

Is there any workaround? 

Well, sure.  Use the Media Library, and add the folder you want instead of that whole share.

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Thanks for you help!!  I finally got it!  Thanks and enjoy the weekend!


I also sugeest you to try using Long path tool for best result.