Editing Stock OSD Mochi 2.01.86: Larger Playtime Display

Hi everyone

I bought a new WD TV Live Gen 3 and upgraded it to the latest firmware 2.01.86 (12/10/13).

I had WD TV HD for the last 4 years.

One thing I have noticed is that (by pressing OK on remote) the playtime display font size is very small (for my eyes) and much smaller than the display on my old WD TV HD.

I have downloaded Stock OSD Mochi 2.01.86


Which file/s has to be edited to increase the font size of the playtime?

For example, the following image has a large (a bit too large for my taste though) playtime display


Thank you & Happy New Year



Code highlighted in Green

Also, Here is a list a Valid Font Sizes you can use

fontsize="16" fontsize="18" fontsize="20" fontsize="22" fontsize="24" fontsize="26" fontsize="28"
fontsize="30" fontsize="32" fontsize="36" fontsize="40" fontsize="42" fontsize="44" fontsize="48"
fontsize="50" fontsize="52" fontsize="56" fontsize="60" fontsize="64" fontsize="68" fontsize="72"

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<button valkey="CLOSE"/>
<button valkey="SKIP_TIME"/>
<wrapper disable="@@disable_subtitle_audio_info">
<image image="image/video_playback_subtitle_info_bg.png" x="70" y="36" w="310" h="83"/>
<text text="@@subtitle_info" x="87" y="53" w="276" h="22" fontsize="20" textcolor="0xffffff" align="left" speed="1" delay="2"/>
<text text="@@audio_info" x="87" y="83" w="276" h="22" fontsize="20" textcolor="0xffffff" align="left" speed="1" delay="2"/>

<!-- information time info -->

<wrapper disable="@@disable_time_info">
<image image="@@video_time_info_area" x="0" y="0" w="1280" h="720" bg="1"/>
<image image="image/video_playing_bar_bg.png" x="70" y="644" w="1141" h="50"/>
<image image="@@file_album" default_image="@@default_thumbnail" x="70" y="494" w="100" h="139" scale="100"/>
<text text="@@filename" x="184" y="555" w="740" h="48" fontsize="44" textcolor="0xffffff" speed="1" delay="2" align="left" auto_translate="1"/>

<image image="@@file_rating" x="186" y="609" w="124" h="21"/>
<image image="@@file_favorite" x="324" y="609" w="23" h="21"/>
<image image="@@speed_state" x="89" y="658" w="30" h="23"/>
<text text="@@speed_value" x="120" y="657" w="41" h="22" fontsize="20" align="left"/>

<progress_bar name="video_time_bar" x="162" y="662" w="832" h="14" pb_back_img="image/video_playback_playing_progress_bar_bg.png" pb_front_img="image/video_playback_playing_progress_bar.png" pb_point_img="image/playing_progress_bar_point.png" pb_delay="500"/>

<text text="@@current_time" x="999" y="661" w="103" h="22" fontsize="20" align="right"/>
<text text="@@duration_time" x="1108" y="661" w="96" h="22" fontsize="20" align="left"/>

<text x="941" y="564" w="260" h="32" text="$$Close" align="right"
fontsize="30" textcolor="0xc1c1c1" active="@@act-CLOSE" selected="sel-CLOSE"
actnoseltextcolor="0xff8400" activetextcolor="0xff8400" disable="@@disable-CLOSE"/>
<text x="701" y="606" w="500" h="32" text="$$Enter Desired Time" align="right"
fontsize="30" textcolor="0xc1c1c1" active="@@act-SKIP_TIME" selected="sel-SKIP_TIME"
actnoseltextcolor="0xff8400" activetextcolor="0xff8400" disable="@@disable-SKIP_TIME"/>

<image image="@@shufle-ico" x="1234" y="599" w="48" h="36"/>
<image image="@@wrongkeyicon" x="563" y="282" w="154" h="155" align="hcenter" />
<image image="@@keyicon" x="1063" y="71" w="65" h="45" align="hcenter" />
<text text="@@info_now_playing" x="65" y="18" w="243" h="31" fontsize="26"/>
<include filename="./ipcam_pip_win.xml" />
<text text="@@mod_txt" x="162" y="186" w="958" h="34" fontsize="30" textcolor="0xffffff" align="hcenter" auto_translate="1"/>
<text x="450" y="160" w="372" h="26" text="@@text-OPTION" fontsize="24" textcolor="0x07b5ff" align="hcenter" disable="@@disable-text-options"/>
<image image="@@mod_img" x="1063" y="71" w="107" h="107"/>

<image image="@@info_mute_icon" x="1162" y="49" w="48" h="48"/>

<include filename="./inc_loading.xml"/>




thanks for taking care of all these osd mod questions

I can also look it up, but I didn’t even both this time, I knew you would come to the rescue

sometimes, it feels like you have these xml’s memorized, lol

Thanks KAD79  :smileyvery-happy:

Thank you JoeySmyth :slight_smile:

I would imagine that increasing the fontsize on its own, would mess up the layout

I am guessing that in order to maintain the layout,:

1- width of the progress_bar has to be reduced to allow space for the increase

<progress_bar name=“video_time_bar” x=“162” y=“662” w=“832” h=“14” pb_back_img=“image/video_playback_playing_progress_bar_bg.png” pb_front_img=“image/video_playback_playing_progress_bar.png” pb_point_img=“image/playing_progress_bar_point.png” pb_delay=“500”/>

2- As well as fontsize, the x positon and maybe the width and hieght have to be changed accordingly

<text text=“@@current_time” x=“999” y=“661” w=“103” h=“22” fontsize=“20” align=“right”/>
<text text=“@@duration_time” x=“1108” y=“661” w=“96” h=“22” fontsize=“20” align=“left”/>

If so, then any suggestions on, let’s say, fontsize=“24”?

Thank you & Happy New Year



Hi, erosman

i wouldn’t go playing around with the progress_bar width

from my experience, changing the width variable will actually make it vanish (disappear)  *

Play around with the fontsize and x,y positions as much as you like … They are OK to tinker with.

P.S… When you choose a fontsize…eg.   fontsize=“24”   

add   “2”  to    *height*    eg. h=“26”   … This avoids “clipping” of the heads and tails of numeric text

choosing a fontsize _ *small-medium-large* _ is a personal choice … there is no right or wrong, tinker … :smiley:

*disclaimer, this is based on wdtv live hub firmware xml modifiaction and may have changed with lastest smp firmware

Thank you JoeySmyth :slight_smile: