Displaying backdrop in folder without movie/music?

nobrakes2 wrote:


no, I was just trying to understand better what was being asked…its getting late and I only have 1 eye left or is that I have only 1 left eye…


‘Can you get a backdrop to display when you hover over the folder’ is what it comes down to I imagine.

 and for that answer, Its a no.

The Answer is a definate “Yes” a Linksheet Backdrop will display when you hover over a Folder 


ahh I understand the question better now.

animated gif changed to jpg extension???  I would imagine that would be like renaming a png to jpg. FAIL


and that still wouldnt give a backdrop… :confused: oh well I have no more on this.

Who said anything about “animated gifs” ?  that’s completely off-topic

Go to bed, come back tomorrow and re-read this thread when you’re awake :smiley:

EDIT: Here’s a small Demo of Linksheets for Files and Folders (and Sub-Folders)

STEP1: Download this small Demo Movie Folder 1st  (Extract and copy to USB and insert into SMP/HUB … this is to keep things as simple as possible)


STEP2: Download this small edited Legacy Theme. (If you have an SMP upload the zip file … if you have a HUB extract the zip and upload the folder)


STEP3: Apply the Theme, and then browse to the MYMOVIES sample Folder to see the Linksheet Backdrops (within this folder are also sub-folders of Genres which also have Linksheet backdrops)

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