Newest WD TV Live cant see shares, older ones can

I “think” I may have this solved.

Turns out there was a “rogue” machine lets call it that was jacking this whole thing up.  There was a desktop in a room that was sitting in Shutting down mode for the past 2-3days I think now.  On another laptop I noticed it was pointing to that “rogue” machine (as Im calling it now hahaha) as the Master Browser but it wasnt showing up on the hpwhs2 or whs machines.  It was a standard Win7 machine.  So I shut it down, turned it back on, forced the IsDomainMaster to False and MaintainServerList to Auto and restarted it again.  Now it seems fine I believe.  The WHS server shows up as the only Master Browser.  Im going to assume this is the fix for now.  We’ll see how this goes.
