YouTube Leanback freezes on starting screen

I have two WDTV Lives with two TVs and after initial problems they both worked fine with YouTube Leanback for months. Since recently one of the TVs freezes when selecting YouTube. There is this Screen with YouTube and the completion line at the bottom which usually shows up for a few seconds. This screen stays for ever, selecting “Home” on the WDTV-remote works but no other key. Unplugging did not help. The second TV works fine. How can I reset the YouTube connection?

Reset to factory defaults and try again.

Good idea, but no change, YouTube screen freezes.

What happens if you swap the players. Have you got anything connected to them. Are they the old WD live or the newer WD live streaming.

Murphy’s law: I swapped them and now they both freeze :frowning:

Isn’t there something I can do on my PC in YouTube? Some place where you can assign TVs to an account?

How are you connecting the player to the TV and are they the old Live or the new Live streaming.

What firmware is on both players

How did you reset to factory defaults. Was the player fully booted up when you reset and did it reboot.

the players are connected by HDMI, they are identical, purchased in 2011, so not sure about old/new.I checked whether there is new firmware and it said it is current: 1.06.43_V. I can try the reset again, but I think it fully booted.

I wll contact support, the players are still within warranty.

I was away for a month on vacation. It works now without having changed anything. I assume it was a problem on the YouTube side from the beginning, not the fault of WD.