Wd tv live


Recently i do have a problem with it. my tv shows all file in the usb.

however, once i click on the movie title, it never opens.i have already tried with differente usb pen drives.

how can i solve the problem?

thank you

if it’s getting stuck on the file it could be a corrupted file

do you have the same issue with all files? 

actually it is happening with any file now…

what i can do?

do you get any error message? 

do you have the same issue if you try a dif usb drive?

what WD TV model do you have ?


I had a similar issue,   

try going to setup → device restart  ( not reset)   and let it reboot. 

it fixed my issue with this.


Its possible that one of your files is ‘bad’. This hangs up the player and then it will not play anything. You have to find the ‘bad’ file and not play it. The file will be the first one that causes a hang up (spinning circle) after you have restarted the player.