USB 1 does not work

I am also having this issue. As far as I can tell, I only noticed it after the latest update (WDTV Live 1.04.31)


I re-installed the latest WDTV Live Firmware 1.04.31 from a USB Drive (NOT VIA INTERNET) and it solved the problem. I suspect that the update via the Internet didn’t complete successfully last time.

To re-install the firmware, download the firmware from here

Unzip and put the contents of the folder onto the root of a USB Drive

Before you remove the USB drive from your PC and connect it to your WDTV Live you must do the following:

Open wdtvlive.ver with notepad or any text editor

You should see the following in the file


Change the version number up a digit. For example I changed mine to:


 This is so the WDTV will think it’s a newer firmware and allow you to re-install it.

Hope this works for you.