Thumbnail size vs. screen refresh speed

Does anyone have experience regarding large (150KB) vs smaller (30K) album thumbnails and how the size of those thumbnails affect the on-screen refresh times of the WDTV Live?  I blindly ripped about 150 CD’s using 100-180KB thumbs, embedding each thumb into the FLAC tags and I’m noticing (I think) what appears to be a slower WDTV Live.  Is the larger size of the album thumb really that much of a factor or is it just my imagination?  I’d like to think it’s just perception because if it isn’t I’m faced with having to reduce the size of each folder.jpg file and then edit the tags for every song.

The smaller thumbs I acquired when I was stupidly using WMP to rip my CD’s (before I switched to dBpoweramp) seemed to have allowed the WDTV Live to refresh the album art noticeably faster.

Any insights would be appreciated.


Have you search the rest of the forum about this? I’d give it a try. Or, have you tried contacting WD’s Technical Support about this? I would consider giving them a call or sending them an email.

To Contact WD for Technical Support