Screen flashes white while watching movies

Everything I watch gets these random flashes on the screen.  I have one WD MyBook 2 TB and a 3 TB plugged in to a Win7 laptop.  I can watch anything I want using any file type, and these flashes just occasionaly pop during playback.  It’s not often.  Could be 10 or 20 or even 30 minutes but it keeps doing it.

Has anyone seen this?  I just got the device so it’s still warrantied. Luckily.

Thanks for any help or advice.


KingSmokey wrote:***  I just got the device so it’s still warrantied. *****

The Live and Live Plus have been out of production for quite some time now.  Are you sure you don’t have the current Live SMP?

The Live SMP forum is here:

WD Live SMP forum

Thanks.  I just bought it on ebay and didn’t know there was a difference.