Meta-source manager

Just purchashed the wdtv live and was wondering if there is anyway to turn the meta-source manager off.  I have about 500 movies and have taken alot of time to make sure all of them have been tagged with metadata and organized by genre.  I use the genre to search and find what i am looking for quickly.  Unfortunatly the box pulls data from the internet and substutes the meta data i have in the file with its own.  Its very annoying especcially if it can’t find a particular movies meta data through the service its running then it will not display the info thats already in the movie file.  This should be an option but can’t seem to turn it off.

1:  Wrong forum.   This forum is for the 2009 model WDTV Live HD.

The forum for the WDTV Live Streaming Media Player is here:

2: The “Meta Source Manager” isn’t something you turn on or off.   The meta-source manager doesn’t “Do” anything with your media.  All the meta-source manager does is allow you to add your own “Scraping” engine via specific XML templates.

3:  I’ve never had the box overwrite my own metadata – 90% of my metadata was self-created; and it’s all still working; nothing overridden.

4:  I’m guessing your wanting to disable CONTENT INFO COLLECTION.   That’s done via SETUP / SYSTEM / Content Info…