Advanced forward property


how can i play to go to specific time any movie.

you put options only forward x2 x4 x6 x8 x16.

i am watching any movie with computer for example 1 hours after i wanna watch that movie in home with wd media player where i stayed time on movie i wanna chooce time for go to… can you add that property to next firmware?

“GOTO” has been on the suggestions list for quite some time.

Until it gets implemented (_ if _ it ever does), you can make use of the time jump.

If you press _ Fast Forwards _ (or _ Reverse _) once, and then press _ Next _, it will jump forwards 10 minutes.  Additional presses of _ Next _ will advance in 10 minute steps (and _ Prev _ will jump back 10 minutes).  When you get to the right ballpark, you can either press _ Play _ again, or use _ FF/Rev _ to get even closer to where you want to be.

(“Playback Controls”, page 36 and 42)