Theme: GoodBye Black Mamba (LinkSheet) Updated Dec 14th

GENRE FOLDER SHEETS (updated 12/14/12)

alrighty people, here is a very easy to use genre folder sheet going with the theme and intentionally avoiding graphical overkill, they can also be used as folder sheets for movie franchises. I didn’t bundle this one since it doesn’t require much installation…

1) Download the template here

2) open your movie sheet profile in Thumbgen

3) save this profile as “Black Mamba Genre Folder”

4) unpack the rar file and copy the entire folder into ThumbGen/ Templates

5) in thumbgen options General Tab deactivate “Extra Movie Sheet”

6) in thumbgen options moviesheet tab select BlackMamba_GenreFolder (upper drop down boy on the right)

7) save the profile…

Processing the Sheet

1) pick a movie you think represents this genre best

2) process in manual or semi automatic

3) select an image for Fanart 1

4) change the title and apply it (green check symbol)

5) Generate…

it’s gonna look like this, the color will always be the same

Genre Sheets