Æonish Hub ReV2 [WDTV LIVE HUB]

Well, after the “Incident” that happened while i wasnt here.

(and to remind Older Forum Members and New Ones… this is the Second ‘Incidence’ or Attempt by an Individual(s) to Discredit and Coherse me to stop Contributing my Work to the Forum… by ways of trying to get me Banned and/or Creating False Statements)

This was One from a While Back…



I Enjoy Creating Themes, I Enjoy Sharing these Themes, I Enjoy Offering Whatever Knowledge i have to Assist People.

I just dont ‘Get it’ that there Factors in play that wish ill feelings toward me and my work (contributions to the community).

Anyways, with that said… i worked on a little idea today for Movie Info in the Gallery View in Aeonish Hub.

Just a quick experiment and test… video quality is poor, sorry about that,

Youtube Video Link:
