Wd tv live hub alternatives

I’m not sure I’m understanding what you’re taking issue with. I was addressing the fact that us moderators were being separated out from WD, as if we’re okay but WD isn’t. When, if fact, we work for WD.

Nevertheless, I do understand the rub you are expressing. Most new users come to the community with the expectation that this is, or at least should be, a support community. And when they don’t see any WD people posting answers to questions or issues, they get frustrated and think that we don’t care. We do care, but this community was intended from the beginning to be a user-to-user community, and not a support community. That’s most likely not going to change. So, the obvious WD support presence that might be expected is not going to be here.

In response to throwing you a bone, we did try doing open beta-testing with community users for a while. But that didn’t turn out as well as we’d hoped. So, we decided to stop it. That doesn’t mean we gave up, as a matter of fact, we’re probably doing better beta testing now than previously. But, users do need to understand that if something hasn’t been fixed, that’s because it’s not yet fixed. Hopefully, as the issue exchanges get more organized, our users will have the statuses updated more regularly. So, they’ll know more of what to expect on the next firmware release as it comes out.